Managed Services

Peplink | Starlink | 5G LTE

Designed to streamline services, support, and billing for all your Peplink + Starlink + 5G Connectivity. As your Authorized Peplink & Starlink Solution Provider we are here to elevate your onboard connectivity by setting the new standard with Starlink value added services. Including Priority Multi-Network 5G/LTE ($150 airtime credit) and SpeedFusion Enhanced Bonding to augment and or provide failover to your primary internet connection. Complete with PCA Expert support, implementing the latest Peplink/SpeedFusion technologies and providing ongoing support for your vessel resulting in Supercharged Starlink connectivity.

Ideal for Starlink vessels requiring expert support and 5G/LTE redundancy. Paired with Peplink optimization and lnControl2 for remote visibility and support.

Designed for Starlink vessels leveraging multiple WAN sources for un-interrupted connectivity. Benefits of SpeedFusion Enhanced combined with Traffic Steering.

5G/LTE Priority Multi-Network 20GB Plan 20GB Plan
SpeedFusion Bonding Enhanced VPN N/A
Expert Support – Peplink + Starlink + 5G
Starlink Portal Access
Seamless Hot Failover
Peplink Optimization
lnControl2 Remote Visibility/Support
Ongoing Firmware Updates
Starlink Service Plan Optimization
Basic Network Support
Peplink SpeedFusion Bonding | Private Data Center End Point | VPN | Performance & Reliability | Traffic Steering
US/UK IP Address for Streaming N/A
Unlimited Usage with No Speed Restrictions N/A
Enhanced Security with Encryption N/A
Traffic Steering N/A
Dynamic Weighted Bonding N/A
Uninterrupted Video Conferencing / WhatsApp N/A
Enhanced Video Streaming N/A
Application Prioritization N/A

Managed Services FAQ's

Yes, we stock Starlink High Performance Flat Pannel Kits and accessories such as cables and ethernet adapters.

Most Starlink Resellers just offer support and billing for Starlink value added services. We set the new standard with Managed Services by providing ongoing PCA Expert support for your Peplink including Starlink optimization combined with Priority Multi-Network 5G/LTE and SpeedFusion Bonding services to Supercharge your connectivity.

No, the same rates apply to all Starlink plans whether you are on the 50GB Mobile Priority or 10TB plan.

We stay current with all Starlink services. When you contact us regarding your Starlink plan we will “right-fit” a plan that fits your vessels requirements. In many cases this can reduce monthly costs IE Yard Periods.

Yes, as an MSP we can consolidate your Starlink billing on your JV|C account for a nominal fee.

To augment Starlink for performance including upload speeds + reliability and or be used for failover. Multi-Network Priority 5G includes access to 7 different networks to ensure redundancy and coverage in North America, Bahamas, Caribbean, Med, Global. This way if your primary internet source fails, we have redundancy in place to support.

Peplink SpeedFusion Technology which can combine up to 13 internet sources, including setup of enhanced traffic shaping policies in your Peplink. Leveraging our data center which has no blocked IP issues for streaming your favorite content. This is a separate service from Peplinks own SpeedFusion Connect and our legacy Bandwidth Bonding services.

Modern networks carry a variety of traffic such as video streams, ERP sessions, HTTP sessions, and more. Depending on your requirements, you may need to give priority to certain kinds of traffic while throttling or even blocking others. SpeedFusion gives you granular control of how different kinds of traffic travels within your network.

Dynamic Weighted Bonding (DWB) is a bonding algorithm developed by Peplink that aims to improve the bonding performance of multiple connections with significant bufferfloat issues.

In the event of a WAN disconnection, Hot Failover will transfer your traffic to another connection while maintaining session persistence. This seamless transition means that you won’t experience interruptions in your activities.